

四印会 一印会 理趣会
供養会 成身会 降三世会
微細会 三昧耶会 降三世三昧耶会


金剛鬘菩薩(四供養菩薩) _ _ _ 金剛歌菩薩(四供養菩薩)
_ 波羅蜜菩薩(四波羅蜜菩薩) 金剛法菩薩(四転輪菩薩) 波羅蜜菩薩(四波羅蜜菩薩) _
_ 金剛宝菩薩(四転輪菩薩) 毘盧遮那如来 金剛業菩薩(四転輪菩薩) _
_ 金剛波羅蜜菩薩(四波羅蜜菩薩) 金剛薩埵(四転輪菩薩) 羯磨波羅蜜菩薩(四波羅蜜菩薩) _
金剛嬉菩薩(四供養菩薩) _ _ _ 金剛舞菩薩(四供養菩薩)


金剛鬘菩薩(外供養菩薩) _ 金剛鎖菩薩(四門) _ 金剛歌菩薩(外供養菩薩)
_ 金剛華菩薩(内供養菩薩) 愛金剛菩薩(四菩薩) 金剛燈菩薩(内供養菩薩) _
金剛索菩薩(四門) 触金剛菩薩(四菩薩) 金剛薩埵 慢金剛菩薩(四菩薩) 金剛鈴菩薩(四門)
_ 金剛焼香菩薩(内供養菩薩) 欲金剛菩薩(四菩薩) 金剛塗香菩薩(内供養菩薩) _
金剛嬉菩薩(外供養菩薩) _ 金剛鉤菩薩(四門) _ 金剛舞菩薩(外供養菩薩)




float sqrt2 = sqrt(2);

void setup() {
  size(720, 720);

  fill(0,0,120); rect(10,10,230,230);
  fill(0,0,120); rect(245,10,230,230); fill(0,120,0); rect(265,30,190,190);
  fill(0,0,120); rect(480,10,230,230); fill(0,120,0);  rect(500,30,190,190);

  fill(240,240,0); rect(10,245,230,230); fill(0,120,0); rect(30, 265, 190, 190);
  fill(240,240,0); rect(245,245,230,230); fill(0,120,0); rect(265, 265, 190, 190);
  fill(240,240,0); rect(480,245,230,230); fill(0,120,0); rect(500, 265, 190, 190);
  fill(240,240,0); rect(10,480,230,230); fill(0,120,0); rect(30, 500, 190, 190);
  fill(240,240,0); rect(245,480,230,230); fill(0,120,0); rect(265, 500, 190, 190);
  fill(240,240,0); rect(480,480,230,230); fill(0,120,0); rect(500, 500, 190, 190);
  world(125, 125, 190);

  rect(280, 45, 160, 160);
  ellipse(360, 125, 160, 160);

  risyu(595, 125, 160);
  world(125, 360, 160);
  world(360, 360, 160);
  world(595, 360, 160);

  world(125, 595, 160);
  world(365, 595, 160);
  world(595, 595, 160);

void world(float x, float y, float w) {
  fill(0, 0, 40);
  rect(x - w / 2, y - w / 2, w, w);

  fill(0, 100, 40);
  ellipse(x, y, w, w);

  float innerW = w / 3;
  ellipse(x, y, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x, y - innerW, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x, y + innerW, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x - innerW, y, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x + innerW, y, innerW, innerW);
  float a = (sqrt2 - 1) / (sqrt2 + 1);
  float w2 = a * w;
  fill(240, 0, 0);
  ellipse(x - (w - w2) /2, y - (w - w2) / 2, w2, w2);
  ellipse(x + (w - w2) /2, y - (w - w2) / 2, w2, w2);
  ellipse(x - (w - w2) /2, y + (w - w2) / 2, w2, w2);
  ellipse(x + (w - w2) /2, y + (w - w2) / 2, w2, w2);
  float b = (3 - sqrt2) / 6 / (sqrt2 + 1);
  float w3 = b * w;
  ellipse(x - w / 6 - w3 , y - w / 6 - w3 , w3 * 2, w3 * 2);
  ellipse(x + w / 6 + w3 , y - w / 6 - w3 , w3 * 2, w3 * 2);
  ellipse(x - w / 6 - w3 , y + w / 6 + w3 , w3 * 2, w3 * 2);
  ellipse(x + w / 6 + w3 , y + w / 6 + w3 , w3 * 2, w3 * 2);

void risyu(float x, float y, float w) {
  fill(0, 0, 40);
  rect(x - w / 2, y - w / 2, w, w);

  float innerW = w / 3;

  ellipse(x - innerW, y - innerW, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x, y - innerW, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x + innerW, y - innerW, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x - innerW, y, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x, y, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x + innerW, y, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x - innerW, y + innerW, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x, y + innerW, innerW, innerW);
  ellipse(x + innerW, y + innerW, innerW, innerW);

Workflow patterns


Basic Control Flow Patterns
1. Sequence
2. Parallel Split
3. Synchronization
4. Exclusive Choice
5. Simple Merge

Advanced Branch and Synchronization Patterns
6. Multi-Choice
7. Structured Synchronizing Merge
8. Multi-Merge
9. Structured Discriminator
28. Blocking Discriminator
29. Cancelling Discriminator
30. Structured Partial Join
31. Blocking Partial Join
32. Cancelling Partial Join
33. Generalised AND-Join
37. Local Synchronizing Merge
38. General Synchronizing Merge
41. Thread Merge
42. Thread Split

Multiple Instance Patterns
12. Multiple Instances without Synchronization
13. Multiple Instances with a Priori Design-Time Knowledge
14. Multiple Instances with a Priori Run-Time Knowledge
15. Multiple Instances without a Priori Run-Time Knowledge
34. Static Partial Join for Multiple Instances
35. Cancelling Partial Join for Multiple Instances
36. Dynamic Partial Join for Multiple Instances

State-based Patterns
16. Deferred Choice
17. Interleaved Parallel Routing
18. Milestone
39. Critical Section
40. Interleaved Routing

Cancellation and Force Completion Patterns
19. Cancel Task
20. Cancel Case
25. Cancel Region
26. Cancel Multiple Instance Activity
27. Complete Multiple Instance Activity

Iteration Patterns
10. Arbitrary Cycles
21. Structured Loop
22. Recursion

Termination Patterns
11. Implicit Termination
43. Explicit Termination

Trigger Patterns
23. Transient Trigger
24. Persistent Trigger